Monday, December 17, 2012

Darkness Did Not Comprehend It

     As I look back over the last couple days I'm left feeling saddened by the events that have unfolded.  A 20 year old man decides to kill people in New Jersey, then drive to Connecticut, force his entry to an elementary school, then kill 26 people (22 were 6 and 7 years of age) then turn the gun on himself and end his own life.  Did this event really take place?  In my head I can't imagine that and event this horrific would happen anywhere, let alone in the United States, but it has.  Why?  Why would something so horrible be allowed to happen.  If God so loves the world, why would He let the most innocent be killed?  The answer is, "Darkness did not comprehend it".

     Some may read that last sentence and wonder, "what in the world is Bubba talking about?"  In the first chapter of John, verses 1-5, we are given a description of the beginning:

     "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in
     the beginning with God.  All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made
     that was made.  In Him was life, an the life was the light of men.  And the light shines in the
     darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."  John 1:1-5 NKJV

It is in this passage that I feel that we find the answer to the question, "How could something like this happen?"  The scripture is laying out how God had created everything through the "Word".  If you go on and read verse 14 you find that the "Word" became flesh and dwelt among us.  What is this saying?  That Jesus is the Word and the Word is Jesus?  The scriptures referred to the "Word" as He and Him, but why?  Because the very word, was and is, Jesus Christ.  We are told that in Him, Jesus, was life, which was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness did not comprehend it.

   What exactly does this mean, darkness did not comprehend it?  The word comprehend, if looked up in the Greek dictionary means to overcome, to take possession of, or to make one's own.  There are 2 points I'd like to make about this verse in John:

1.  Darkness will never overcome the light!
Many people want to say that evil has won.  That is not true.  While evil things have happened in the past, and they will continue to take place in the future, evil cannot win over light.  The light that is spoken of in scripture is the light that we have in Christ.  Nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Nothing that darkness may try to do will take away from the victory that comes from the blood that was shed on the cross for the remission of sins.  No form of darkness can ever negate the power of God.  What has been done caused it to be finished.  What an awesome promise to know, that no matter how evil the word may get, no matter how tragic the event may be, the Light will never be overcome.

2.  We must comprehend the light for ourselves!
Why do people do what they do?  Why would a gunman go into the crowd and kill innocent people?  We look at these outrageous events and question why.  As I have thought about these scenario's and watch the events unfold on the news, I find myself asking the same questions, why?  The passage we are looking at today gives us this answer, because darkness did not comprehend it.  The reality is that Roman 3 tells us that we are all born into sin.  We are born into this darkness.  As we live life, we are exposed to the possibility of there being a God.  Romans 1 tells us that we see the invisible attributes of God as we look on creation.  The Christmas Story tells us that god sent his only Son that whoever believes on Him shall be saved.  This is the light that is being spoken of in John 1:5, "The Light shines in the darkness!"  The question is, "what do we, who are in darkness, do with the Light which is Christ?"  Do we "Comprehend" the light?  Do we possess this light?  Have we made it our own?  Or are we still living in the dark.

The answer to all your "Why" questions end up with the same answer.  Why did this man kill 26 innocent people?  Because he did not comprehend, or possess the light of life.  Why does a man walk into a shopping mall and open fire?  Because he didn't comprehend, or possess the light of life.  Why does a man go into a movie theater and open fire?  Because he didn't comprehend, or possess the light of life.

Do not think that by me writing this I am saying that all people who attend church, or claim to be Christians will not do evil things.  What I am saying is that those who possess the light of life, they not only confess to be a Christian, but live with the light leading them, will always move with love.

Until we decide to comprehend the light for ourselves, we all have the potential to make decisions that will cause the same outcome.  Bubba!  How dare you say something like that?  I would never take gun and shoot and innocent child!  I am sure that ever person that's ever killed a young child in a drunk driving accident would have said the same thing.  What makes that any different than the shooter incident?  Because the shooter used a gun?  I would venture to say that the parents form the shooting felt the exact same loss a the parent that lost a child in a drunk driving incident. 

I would like to close with a simple question that will have monumental effects on your life and the lives of those you know.  Have you comprehended the light?  Have you accepted the sacrifice that was made for you?  Are you daily living with the light of life shining upon your path?  Is Christ your Messiah, your Savior, your King?  My prayer is that you would experience this "Light" in your life.  I hope that you would make this Christmas season the best ever by possessing the light of life, Jesus Christ, in your life today.

God Bless,
Bubba Shelton

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Vision

Well, 2012 has begun! 2011 has been a great year for my family. All my family is healthy, we have a job that supplies all our needs and then some, and I feel as though the church is on the brink of explosion. I can't help but to believe 2012 is going to be the best year of my life yet!

In saying all that, I sit and wonder, "How might have 2011 been even better?" Could it have been better?

Every year, I spend time in prayer for the church, to present the vision in our yearly "Vision & Budget" meeting. I lay out a vision so that, like in Habakkuk 2:2, "Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it." I want the people of our church to clearly see the vision that we have as a body of believers. This past year we have seen our vision clearly, and have ran with it, as we have seen many people come to accept Christ in their live, or rededicated their lives to serving the Lord. This happened all because we listened to God, and He was faithful to what He called us to! It's amazing how faithful God is! This is where we find ourselves today at New Covenant. On January 8th, Angel and I, along with many others from our church are beginning a fast so that we can hear from God, clearly see what His plans for us in 2012 really is. We want God to direct our paths, therefore we are drawing near to Him through much prayer and fasting. For 21 days we will be drinking only water, and eating no meats or meat products. This fast is called the Daniel Fast taken from the Old Testament book "Daniel". We are pushing away from our needs to draw closer to His.

Something that's been on my heart since thinking about all this "Vision Stuff", is what if I applied this into my family life? I have spent years praying for vision for my church, and my role as the pastor, but what about God's vision for my family. If God really does know the plans He has for me, then He knows the plans fro my family, right? Don't get me wrong, I pray for my family and guidance as a Husband and Father, but I have never clearly written a vision for my family to see, so that they can run with it! Something that hit me like a ton of bricks this year is this, "If it's important to have the vision for the church clearly seen so the church can run with it, how much more important is it for my family to see our vision so they too can run with it?" It's time for the Leaders of the homes to clearly write their visions so the family knows what their all about!!!

So, this year, as I pray and fast for our church body, I am going to also be crying out to God to help me write out the vision for my home. How often do we say that we want the best for our kids, and then due to lack of preparation, fail to lead them? I don't want to be a parent that just makes sure they live till they're adults, but i want to help prepare them to be healthy, productive, disciples of Jesus Christ! I want them to know that God still speaks, God still leads, and God still LOVES them! So much that He will never leave them nor forsake them. The only way they will truly see this is if I live a life being spoken to, led by, and LOVED by God. Some may say, well my kids don't understand. They never will if you don't teach them. Our world will disciple them if we don't, and it starts at home!

In the next couple weeks I will be blogging about my fasting experiences, and for all those doing the fast with me, it will hopefully give opportunity to reply about your experiences so others can see. On February 5th, we will be having our Vision & Budget Meeting. Following that meeting I will post our churches vision along with a copy of the "Shelton Family Vison" for all to view. All of this is to hopefully help all who read find the vision for their family.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Giving Lessons!!!

Hey there,

My 8 year old daughter was checking out the blog the other day and said, "dad, you need to update your blog!" Really! My 8 year old is reading my blog! Better make her happy. I Love You Kiley!!! You're my favorite "Oldest" daughter! LOL

So, I took her advice and decided to sit down and type a few words in regards to Christmas,and some giving lessons we can learn from the wise men. P.S. if your at New Covenant Christmas morning, this may be partially repeated. The wise men brought gifts to the new born king. If studied you come to find out that even though all the plays show the wise men showing up at the manger, they really weren't there at the same time as the shepherds, but we know that they did bring gifts to the Christ Child!

The lesson! The gifts brought were of worth, that helped Mary and Joseph keep the Christ Child alive. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. The three gifts were things of worth, that Mary and Joseph were able to use to escape persecution as they headed to Egypt.

So many times we look at gifts, and the giving of gifts as a way to prove something to someone. The wise men didn't give gifts to find favor in the eyes of God, or Mary and Joseph, but because they knew they would need these gifts so that the Christ Child would be able to do all He was sent to do, teach us the way to God and die to provide that way!

If we get this then we need to stop and ask ourselves, "What Gifts am I giving that will go to bring life and happiness, instead of impressing someone?" We have gotten so focused on "Out Giving" others that we fail to take the time to really see if the gift we give is about the person, or us! Giving is not to get glory, but instead reflect the glory of God in the lives of the recipient. Many times we focus so much on how much we give that we fail to give thought to what we are giving. I have found myself buying my children and others, things that were cheap and pointless, knowing that they would not really use them. Why? Because I was so worried about getting a gift bought that I failed to stop and ask what is this gift worth?

In October 2010, Angel and I, led by the Holy Spirit, decided to start giving a tithe on our total income, before anything was taken out, taxes, insurance, investments, etc... As I read the scriptures it tells to give a tithe on your increase, not your increase after everything else was taken out. So we did, and it was quite a bit more than after taxes tithes, but nevertheless, we did it. We didn't do it, nor do I share this now, for any other reason than because we want to give so that those who are lost, like we once were, could come to be found. We give tithes and offerings for a purpose, just like the wise men when they brought gifts to the Christ Child. We give so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will not die in our community and beyond. We have seen phenomenal things taking place in our church, with people coming to know Christ, those who are sick being healed, and people growing in their relationship with Christ. Not only has our church been growning, but this year God has provided financially for my family in that we have made more money this year than ever before. We are continually learning that you cannot out give God, and when we are giving with a purpose, and living with a purpose, we will find the life that God desires us to have, one that is abundantly full of love.

At this Christmas Season, I want to challenge all who read this to this,
"Give on Purpose"!
Whether it be a Christmas gift, birthday, wedding, graduation, in tithes, in offerings, whatever it be, do it on purpose. Make that person who is receiving it, blessed with a gift that gives on through the moment they open it. Let your gifts be investments into the life of the recipients, and show them the love of Christ, for we know it is better to give than to receive!!!


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Far too many times we remember to be thankful only in November! While I realize that this is the month that we are to gather together, stuff ourselves with turkey and think about all we have to be thankful for, I'd like to present an new approach. How bout we take a look at the way our enemy uses this Holiday.

1. He tells us this is the only day to be thankful.
All too often we in America fail to count our blessings "DAILY"! Scripture tells us that the enemy is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. As you look around, how many people do you see are daily living the lives of thanksgiving? We need to spend more time realizing the things we have everyday that we can be thankful for.

2. He tells us that we must glutonize to enjoy it.
How many people, me included, have spent the Thanksgiving Holiday eating to stuffed, only to feel horrible afterward. I heard one person say, "Don't worry about what you eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but instead between Christmas and Thanksgiving"! While it is true, we fall into the trappings of masking our feelings for the seasons many times by stuffing ourselves, and God doesn't want us to do this. But we do.

3. He tells us that we must wait a year to feel this way again.
I have found myself feeling almost depressed after the Holidays. A year of build up for a special time, for what? So many times we get so excited for the special day, we seem to fail to recognize that each day we breath is special.

One of the best ways to keep the enemy from getting us down is to be able to see his tactics before they come. Thanksgiving isn't just a day to remember what you have to be thankful for. It should be a way of living. God tells us that all good things are given from above, and we all have good things in our lives. The question is, "Are we going to see them"? I hear people complaining about their jobs and in today's economy, if you have a job at all you should be thankful! People complain about difficulties with their children, but at least you have them. There are many people who have lost their child, who would love to have problems with them today. In all reality Thanksgiving is about perspective! How are you looking at your life? I want to encourage anyone who reads this to strive to gain a Godly perspective, seeing things through HIS eyes so that you will choose to give thanks, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day you breath!
