Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Giving Lessons!!!

Hey there,

My 8 year old daughter was checking out the blog the other day and said, "dad, you need to update your blog!" Really! My 8 year old is reading my blog! Better make her happy. I Love You Kiley!!! You're my favorite "Oldest" daughter! LOL

So, I took her advice and decided to sit down and type a few words in regards to Christmas,and some giving lessons we can learn from the wise men. P.S. if your at New Covenant Christmas morning, this may be partially repeated. The wise men brought gifts to the new born king. If studied you come to find out that even though all the plays show the wise men showing up at the manger, they really weren't there at the same time as the shepherds, but we know that they did bring gifts to the Christ Child!

The lesson! The gifts brought were of worth, that helped Mary and Joseph keep the Christ Child alive. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. The three gifts were things of worth, that Mary and Joseph were able to use to escape persecution as they headed to Egypt.

So many times we look at gifts, and the giving of gifts as a way to prove something to someone. The wise men didn't give gifts to find favor in the eyes of God, or Mary and Joseph, but because they knew they would need these gifts so that the Christ Child would be able to do all He was sent to do, teach us the way to God and die to provide that way!

If we get this then we need to stop and ask ourselves, "What Gifts am I giving that will go to bring life and happiness, instead of impressing someone?" We have gotten so focused on "Out Giving" others that we fail to take the time to really see if the gift we give is about the person, or us! Giving is not to get glory, but instead reflect the glory of God in the lives of the recipient. Many times we focus so much on how much we give that we fail to give thought to what we are giving. I have found myself buying my children and others, things that were cheap and pointless, knowing that they would not really use them. Why? Because I was so worried about getting a gift bought that I failed to stop and ask what is this gift worth?

In October 2010, Angel and I, led by the Holy Spirit, decided to start giving a tithe on our total income, before anything was taken out, taxes, insurance, investments, etc... As I read the scriptures it tells to give a tithe on your increase, not your increase after everything else was taken out. So we did, and it was quite a bit more than after taxes tithes, but nevertheless, we did it. We didn't do it, nor do I share this now, for any other reason than because we want to give so that those who are lost, like we once were, could come to be found. We give tithes and offerings for a purpose, just like the wise men when they brought gifts to the Christ Child. We give so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will not die in our community and beyond. We have seen phenomenal things taking place in our church, with people coming to know Christ, those who are sick being healed, and people growing in their relationship with Christ. Not only has our church been growning, but this year God has provided financially for my family in that we have made more money this year than ever before. We are continually learning that you cannot out give God, and when we are giving with a purpose, and living with a purpose, we will find the life that God desires us to have, one that is abundantly full of love.

At this Christmas Season, I want to challenge all who read this to this,
"Give on Purpose"!
Whether it be a Christmas gift, birthday, wedding, graduation, in tithes, in offerings, whatever it be, do it on purpose. Make that person who is receiving it, blessed with a gift that gives on through the moment they open it. Let your gifts be investments into the life of the recipients, and show them the love of Christ, for we know it is better to give than to receive!!!
