Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Far too many times we remember to be thankful only in November! While I realize that this is the month that we are to gather together, stuff ourselves with turkey and think about all we have to be thankful for, I'd like to present an new approach. How bout we take a look at the way our enemy uses this Holiday.

1. He tells us this is the only day to be thankful.
All too often we in America fail to count our blessings "DAILY"! Scripture tells us that the enemy is like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. As you look around, how many people do you see are daily living the lives of thanksgiving? We need to spend more time realizing the things we have everyday that we can be thankful for.

2. He tells us that we must glutonize to enjoy it.
How many people, me included, have spent the Thanksgiving Holiday eating to stuffed, only to feel horrible afterward. I heard one person say, "Don't worry about what you eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but instead between Christmas and Thanksgiving"! While it is true, we fall into the trappings of masking our feelings for the seasons many times by stuffing ourselves, and God doesn't want us to do this. But we do.

3. He tells us that we must wait a year to feel this way again.
I have found myself feeling almost depressed after the Holidays. A year of build up for a special time, for what? So many times we get so excited for the special day, we seem to fail to recognize that each day we breath is special.

One of the best ways to keep the enemy from getting us down is to be able to see his tactics before they come. Thanksgiving isn't just a day to remember what you have to be thankful for. It should be a way of living. God tells us that all good things are given from above, and we all have good things in our lives. The question is, "Are we going to see them"? I hear people complaining about their jobs and in today's economy, if you have a job at all you should be thankful! People complain about difficulties with their children, but at least you have them. There are many people who have lost their child, who would love to have problems with them today. In all reality Thanksgiving is about perspective! How are you looking at your life? I want to encourage anyone who reads this to strive to gain a Godly perspective, seeing things through HIS eyes so that you will choose to give thanks, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day you breath!
